Sunday, June 7, 2009

23things week 5

This exercise did not seem too difficult - which worries me. Not sure I did it correctly. Is viewing the text on the screen the same as downloading it? Wasn't sure, but was able to view what I clicked on.


  1. Hey Christina - if you went with the e-book option, seeing the book online, in 2-D book form, is the end-product. It's pretty cool stuff. Not sure I'm a fan of reading books online, but I might soon be....Glad the e-book worked for you!

    If, on the other hand, you went with e-audio/e-video, there's more to it, which means, more room for error messages so it might be 'fun' (or challenging!) to try one of those formats to see how it works.

  2. Sounds like you picked an e-book, and yes, you did it right!
